Acoustics First Corporation You have reached the source for Art Diffusor, Cutting Wedge, Bass Eraser, and Reflecktor.
Art Diffusor® Art Diffusor (2773 bytes) Manufactured & Distributed by
Acoustics First Corp.
2247 Tomlyn Street
Richmond, VA 23230  USA

804 342-2900
804 352-1107 Fax

Toll free 888-765-2900

Cutting Wedge® Cutting Wedge (2024 bytes)
BassEraser® basseraser.gif (698 bytes)
ReflektorTM Reflektor (1483 bytes)

Go to for more product information.

Note: These products were formerly manufactured and sold by

SDG Systems Development Group, Inc. / Acoustical Interiors.

Acoustics First Corporation
2247 Tomlyn Street
Richmond, VA 23230-3334  USA

804 342-2900
804 352-1107 Fax

Toll free 888-765-2900

Web pages created and copyright 2001 by Acoustics First Corporation. All rights reserved.

Acoustics First is a registered trademark of Acoustics First Corporation.  The Art Diffusor, Cutting Wedge 2000 and BassEraser  are registered trademarks of LCW Holding, LLC. The Cutting Wedge and Reflektor are trademarks of LCW Holding, LLC.   The Art Diffusor is covered under United States Patent 5,160,816.